Let Literacy Shine!
Our goal is for your child to read 1000 books before Kindergarten.
Reading is the foundation for learning, and it begins at birth. Research says that children need to hear at least 1000 stories before they begin to learn to read. In addition, reading with your child helps them learn essential skils for success in school and in life. Reading together provides children with...
...opportunities to build their vocabulary, which will help them interact with the world around them.
...opportunities to experience the written word, which will help them learn how to read independently.
...opportunities to develop knowledge of themselves and others through story.
...opportunities to practice critical thinking skills by connecting stories to things they already know.
At the beginning of the school year, we sent every child home with a backpack and three (3) brand new books to begin reading. Over the course of the year, your child will get more books (typically around long breaks) to continue on their reading adventures. In addition, every EPK and UPK classroom has a lending library of books that you can take home to share with your child. You can browse EPK titles and UPK titles online. Finally, the Rochester Public Library has thousands of books for children and also has many, many opportunities for children to experience storytime at each of their branches.