• 2016-2017 Automotive Technology Page

    Automotive Technology is continually changing due to advances in other technological fields. This course will help students understand how automotive mechanical and electrical systems work through hands-on labs and projects. Knowledge in these automotive systems will prepare students for real life problem solving.                          auto repair

    This course should reflect a combination of older technology and the latest tools and equipment available for automotive diagnosis.  Automotive Technology is continually changing due to advances in other technological fields.
    Course Description

    This course will introduce students to the history, evolution, and systems of the automobile.  Students will be introduced to mechanical systems with in the modern automobile.  Students will also learn the different automotive systems within an automobile.  This course could vary due to the lab and budget of the school.  This curriculum is written in a format that allows for flexibility within the curriculum, while still meeting the objectives of the course.

    Course Goals

    To introduce and educate students about one of the 20th centuries greatest inventions, the automobile.  Students will learn how this invention changed lives and helped a nation grow.  Students will also understand the basic systems with in an automobile and how they can be individually diagnosed and repaired.

    Course Skills, Knowledge, and Behaviors to be Developed
    Students will develop skills in the use of modern automotive hand and power tools, as well as show a cognitive understanding of the various systems of an automobile.  Students will be expected to show safe work skills and demonstrate politeness, promptness, and professionalism. 
     auto inspections
    When this course is completed students will understand how an automobile works, be able to diagnose basic problems with in an automobile, and identify if an automobile is safe for the road.  Course lessons are anchored to career exploration, technology education, CDOS standards, and personal automotive maintenance and employability skills.  Students that demonstrate these employability skills may be eligible to apply for a related work based learning internship or job shadowing program.