2015-2016 Career and Financial Management (CFM)
Career and Financial Management is a one-half unit New York State Education Department requirement that is required as part of every Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. This requirement encompasses being included in the five-unit CTE programs used as substitutions for the additional two units of foreign language needed for a Regents Diploma with advanced designation.
At Edison, the Career and Financial Management (CFM) content is met as a discrete one-unit course and this course is integrated into the Edison Pathways to create a CTE sequence. CFM provides students with the opportunity to explore a variety of careers, learn about the career and financial features of the world’s economy, learn the career and financial skills and competencies needed for success in the workplace, and to begin to become financially literate.CFM allows students to begin to meet the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) learning standards at the commencement level. Students will begin or continue to develop a career plan at the commencement level, apply academic skills to solve real-world career and financial problems and become familiar with the universal foundation skills (SCANS skills) that are needed to become successful citizens, employers, and employees.
Marking Period 1 Assignments (Pages under Construction)Marking Period 2 Assignments
Marking Period 3 Assignments
Marking Period 4 Assignments