Welcome to Regents Chemistry 2016-2017!
Mr. MoNaCo (Chemistry)
Mr. MoNaCo's Contact Information:
Room - 3B01 (in the 3rd floor back hall)
Phone Extension - 3201
Check out the Pages in the Navigation bar for Classroom Expectations, Grading Policies, and other useful Information.
Subscribe to Our Youtube Channel (link)! Search for Edison Chemistry and Subscribe!
Join Our Google Classroom by opening Google Chrome and Signing in with your RCSD121 information:
Username: Student#@RCSD121.org
Password: Same Password as your school computer login
Google Classroom is where you will do your Homework & Prelabs. You can download the Google Classroom APP on your personal devices for access anytime and anywhere.
Please Register Online for the Parent Connect System so that you can keep track of your assignments, grades, and progress in Chemistry: