• Introduction:  In industry, a machinist needs to use clear and accurate drawings so that (s)he can manufacture parts correctly.   The drawings must be drawn to scale to show the exact height, width and depth of the object.  Orthographic Projections are also called 3-view or multi-view drawings.  The finished drawing has three views of the same object. The front view is drawn in the lower left area of the paper, the top view is drawn above, and the Right Side view is drawn to the right. 
    Orthographic rotation  
     Imagine that you are holding the object in front of you so that you see only the front view.  When you are looking at the front view, you see the height and width of the object; you do not see the depth of the object.  The front view of the object is drawn as though you are looking directly at only the front of the object. 
    Now imagine you rotate the object in your hand and you are now looking at only the top of the object.  The top view is drawn directly above the front view.  
    And imagine you now rotate the object in your hand and you are now looking at only the right side view of the object.   The right side view is drawn directly to the right of the front view of the object.
    An orthographic drawing also has the dimensions of the object drawn neatly so the machinest knows exactally how to measure the object as (s)he manufactures the product..
    Click here to see a PowerPoint presentation on how to draw a simple orthographic drawing:  Orthographic Drawing