| If you are unable to finish your classwork during class, ask yourself why and try to solve the problem. To finish, you should be taking all of your unfinished classwork home to finish. Have a parent or family member help you to stay focused and motivated. Possibly you should arrange to stay after school sometimes to play catch up. I remind students during each marking period that you need to turn-in all of your unfinished classwork by the last day of the marking period. |
I especially encourage parents to be involved and to help their child to be successful using ParentConnect. It is important for parents to help to teach their sons and daughters the importance of time management. It is also equally important for parents to help them to stay motivated and to want to do well in school. I have a policy, with your administrator's encouragement, to encourage students to turn-in their missing classwork the first few weeks after the marking period ends. Even though the report cards have been printed, we can change the failing report card grades in the system. Sometimes students lose track of time or they are sick when the marking period ends. Some students learn this valuable lesson the hard way; it is so much easier to “keep-up” than to play “catch up”.
So, the next time you see me, ask me for any missing classwork and take it home to finish. Or, maybe you should stay after school once in a while so I can help you to catch-up.