Grading PE Rubric
10 points
Student demonstrates leadership, helps others, shows outstanding
athletic ability, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm. Student shows knowledge of the
activity and is prepared, on time and participates 100% of the time.
9 points
Student demonstrates sportsmanship, enthusiasm, initiative, helps
others, works to best of ability, is prepared, on time and participates 100% of
the time
8 points
Student demonstrates sportsmanship, cooperates with teachers and
students, works to best of ability, is prepared, on time and participates 100%
of the time.
7 points
Student demonstrates sportsmanship, works to best of ability,
cooperates with teachers and classmates, is prepared, on time and participates
75% of the time.
6 points
Student participates for 50% of the class to the best of ability, is
prepared but needs reminders to stay on task.
5 points
Student attends class but is unprepared, shows lack of motivation, is
off task and needs constant reminders
0 points
Illegal Absence/Truant, Dean Referral, consistent refusal to change
and/or participate, demonstrates poor self-control, poor sportsmanship,
endangers others with unsafe actions or abuses equipment.