• Family Group- The purpose of Family Group is for all to feel a sense of belonging through positive relationships, to develop healthy habits, and to empower all to have a voices.
    Meet My Family Group
    Family Group

    Shaffiria:I am 14 years old. My favorite color is Pink. People are always calling me short. I am a very nice person who enjoys music and dancing. I love my families both home and family group!

    Marcos:I am 15 years old. I someday would like to go to Lego Land. I have a younger brother and enjoy school. My favorite color is blue and my favorite holiday is Halloween and I love celebrating my birthday. I also like watching Anime.

    Ashika: I am 14 years old. My friends call me Ashu and my family calls me Asi. I like to hang with my friends and family. I love to watch Bollywood films and listen to music. My favorite color is red.

    Josh:I choose to not attend family group. Therefore not much is known about me. In family group we miss Josh’s presence and would love to have him join us!

    JaNautica:I am 15 years old. My best friend’s name is Tyjhan. I don’t like to tell people my business. I like to play sports, listen to music and dancing with my friends. I also enjoy having parties with my friends. My favorite color is red and I enjoy being a good student.

    Julius:I choose to not attend family group. Therefore not much is known about me. In family group we miss Julius’s presence and would love to have him join us! One thing we do know is that he loves to eat Oreos!

    Adriana:I am 15 years old. I enjoy listening to music and partying with friends and family. My favorite color is pink. I have two sisters one that is 18 and one that is 13! I also have one brother.

    Eddie: I am 15 years old. I like to play games on my cell phone. I also like to play football and lacrosse. I have three sisters and like to hang out with my friends outside of school.

    Ms.Schuh:I am 38 years old. I live in Chili. I have a son, Iba he is 8 years old. I have been teaching music for 17 years. Outside of school I enjoy sewing in particular quilting. My students and I Rock!  

    Ms. Ziarno:I am 32 years old and I have been teaching social studies in the RCSD for 10 years. I have a husband, Dan and we have been married for 5 years. I also have a daughter, Kylee who just turned 1 this September. A few of my favorite things to do outside of school are shopping, gardening and watching movies.

    Family Group Tenets

    These are the different “must-haves” for our Family Group to be successful:

    • Confidentiality

    • All Voices Heard                                                   

    • Respectful Collaboration

    • Engagement By All                                                  

     Family Group Guide Lines                         Family Group Fun!
                            Family Fun