• WHAT IS QUEST? An opportunity to earn credits through an intense year long program so that scholars come in as ninth graders and leave to re-join their cohort the following school year as juniors (11th grade.)

    Global History & Geography Course Overview:

    This year with Ms. Ziarno & Mr. Santillo (ELA Co-Teacher) we will be studying Global History & Geography.  We will study history from the beginning of recorded time up through the present day. There will be an in-depth study of world cultures along with an emphasis on writing and the development of concepts and themes. Scholars will take a regents exam in June where they need to score a 65 or higher to receive credit for the class and test! 

    Feudalism Fun

     Feudalism Fun in Quest!
    Come and Visit Periods 2 & 3 Room D138 
    Our Door is Always Open!