English III and English III/IV seminar Course Information
English III and III/IV seminar
Course Description:
This course is the third year of high school English. It is a required course for graduation. It is designed to help students prepare for English III and the ELA Regents/Common Core exams that are taken in the third year of high school. English III is also organized to help prepare students for SAT/ACT exams and college.
The class will focus on skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking and language skills to assist students in being successful in high school, college, and in their future careers.
East has adopted the state created Common Core modules for English Language Arts instruction. This means that we will be following the lessons ( with some modifications and scaffolds) that NYS developed so that we can ensure that your child is well prepared for required NYS exit examinations. We will be reading the texts that are recommended by the state as well. You can get more detailed information about our overall curriculum by going to www.engageny.org or my personal webpage www.rcsdk12.org/east/price
** If you are in my English III/IV section you have the opportunity to earn two English credits required for graduation and will attend class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Zoom.
**If you are in my English III Independent Study section, it is a half year course. We will not meet on Zoom during the class. You will log in to Google Classroom and complete posted work independently. If you need help at any time or have a question, please contact me and we can set up an individual time to do a zoom meeting at a time that works for both of us.
There will be two categories in which students will be evaluated throughout the year.
- Standards-Based Assessments 70%
- Classwork/Homework 30%
I highly recommend that students and parents log on to ParentConnect throughout the marking period to check grades for our class. I will make every effort to keep grades updated at least every two weeks. What gets posted in Google Classroom is for feedback only and official grades are placed into google classroom. (I am unable to weight grades in Google Classroom, so there will be a difference between the two platforms.)
East High School believes in and uses positive behavior support in our school. As such we have adopted the following behavioral expectations building-wide:
Listen Emphatically
Exhibit Integrity
Attend Daily
Dedicated Leader
Embrace Change
Respect All
In addition to those school-wide expectations, I have three basic classroom rules. Students are expected to be READY to learn. This means they must have their class materials and arrive on time. Students need to be RESPONSIBLE. They need to be responsible for their words & actions, knowing what assignments they have and when they are due, as well as, for any missed work due to absence. Finally, they need to be RESPECTFUL of all peers and adults while interacting online during class.
We encourage all students to attend regularly, and complete all work each day, including homework.