•                    Contact Information              


    You may contact me via email at kristine.price@rcsdk12.org, or my Google Voice number at 585-568-7540 (please identify yourself if texting). Depending on which of my classes you are a part of you may also need to contact one of my co-teachers. Kristen Shaw (ENL teacher) can be contacted at kristen.shaw@rcsdk12.org, Raquel Cofield (ENL teacher) can be contacted at raquelcofield@rcsdk12.org, and Melissa Fenn (BIL SPED teacher) can be contacted at melissa.fenn@rcsdk12.org

    All of us have office hours on Wednesdays from 1:45 -3:30. Please reach out is you have a question, concern or need any additional help and we will schedule a Zoom meeting or phone call with you during this time.