Work Permit
If you're age 14-17, you need a work permit in order to work in New York State. To get your work permit, visit East's Main Office to pick-up and submit the required paperwork.
You will need to complete the following steps:
Step 1: Complete the Application for Employment Certificate
Complete the Application for Employment Certificate at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT17-FillableMay21.pdf. A parent/guardian must complete Part I (Parent Consent) of the Application for Employment Certificate.Step 2: Complete the Physical Fitness Form OR Submit Your Most Recent Physical
Complete the Physical Fitness Certification at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT-16fillable.pdf. A health provider must complete most of the form. Your most recent physical must be less than a year old.Step 3: Submit the Documents to East
Return the following documents to East's Main Office:- Completed Application for Employment Certificate.
- Completed Physical Fitness Form or your most recent physical.
Once submitted, you will receive your work permit. Note: scholars must be present to receive their work permit (parents/guardians cannot pick up the work permit on behalf of their child without the scholar present).