Welcome to Mr. Poliszuk's Webpage"Bridging the gap between technology and the real world."This site will primarily be used for Summer School Students @ East High School, to access assignments and help them understand the Design and Drawing for Production process and to assist in their success for on-time graduation and credit recovery.AssignmentsEach assignment will be assessed out of 10 points. There will be an average of 1-2 assignments per day throughout the summer for a total of 28 assignments.
1. Computer Lab Responsibility Posters (2)
Learning Target: I can create and present a poster regarding computer lab rules and responsibilities.
Computer Lab Rules and Responsibilities
2. Oblique Cubes
Learning Target: I can sketch and shade five oblique cubes, as well as identify the angle of the depth lines used to create oblique sketches and drawings.
3. Isometric Cubes
Learning Target: I can sketch and shade five isometric cubes, as well as identify the angle of the depth lines used to create isometric sketches and drawings.
4. Sketching 3D Shapes
Learning Target: I can sketch and shade a vertical and horizontal isometric cylinder, cone, and pyramid.
5. Product Redesign
Learning Target: I can redesign, sketch, shade, and present a new-and-improved product that is used on a daily basis.
6. 1-Point Perspective
Learning Target: I can sketch and create a 1-point perspective drawing.
7. 2-Point Perspective
Learning Target: I can sketch and create a 2-point perspective drawing.
8. Lettering
Learning Target: I can clearly letter the alphabet twice, two sentences containing each letter of the alphabet, and a quote of choice, using single stroke gothic lettering.
9. Orthographic Projections
Learning Target: I can sketch and develop orthographic projections of model blocks A, B, C, D, E/F, G, H, I and J.
10. Orthographic Projection Design Activity
Learning Target: I can design, sketch, and present a product that could be used to solve a problem around my house, using an orthographic projection.
Problem: I have a fire pit in my back yard to enjoy camp fires, however, I have no place to keep my fire wood. Currently, the wood is stacked in the grass. Having the wood stacked like this rots the bottom logs, attracts rodents/insects, and kills the grass.
Solution: Design and build a fire wood rack to keep the wood off of the ground, keep the wood dry, and in good condition for burning.
11. The Design Process
Learning Target: I can generate a list of problems at my home or school, choose one of those problems and then use The Design Process to develop the best possible solution to that problem.
Video: The Engineering Design Process
The Design Process assists people in coming up with the best possible solution to a problem.
Example: The Fire Wood Rack
1 - Define the Problem - I have a fire pit in my back yard to enjoy camp fires, however, I have no place to keep my fire wood. Currently, the wood is stacked in the grass. Having the wood stacked like this rots the bottom logs, attracts rodents/insects, and kills the grass.
2 - Gather Information - Best location for it? How big should it be? (length, height, depth)
3 - Research what has been done in the past - Google searched "Firewood Racks" and looked through images
4 - Develop/sketch multiple possible solutions - Developed orthographic projection, to scale, for true measurements
5- Select the best solution and impliment it/ build it - Gathered materials (2x4s, 4x4s, screws, impact driver) and built it
6 - Test the solution, gather feedback, and use this information to modify and improve - Currently using, eventually added roof to it, as firewood was still getting wet
13. Isometric Projections - Blocks A, B, C, D, E/F, G, H, I, J
Learning Target: I can sketch and develop several isometric projections.
14. Product Design Characteristics
Learning Target: I can analyze several products and explain each product's aesthetics, function, ergonomics, durability, and cost - then determine if each product is designed well, or poorly.
Aesthetics – make it look good/ beautiful
Function – make it work
Ergonomics – make it comfortable
Durability – make it last over time
Cost – spend little making it, sell high, but affordable
Phone Charger from Seven Eleven – 4 stars
A – white in color – looks clean, glossy adapter
F – charged phone – did what it had to do
E – fits comfortably in one hand
D – worked well for several weeks, then stopped working
C - $7 – not bad, cheaper at Five Below
15. Paper Tower Design Activity
Learning Target: I can design, sketch, and build a free-standing tower as tall as possible.
16. Straw Tower Design Activity
Learning Target: I can design, sketch, and build a free-standing tower to hold a tennis ball as far off the table top as possible.
17. Measuring to nearest 1/2" and 1/4"
Learning Target: I can locate measurements on a ruler to the nearest 1/2" and 1/4".
18. Measuring to nearest 1/8" and 1/16"
Learning Target: I can locate measurements on a ruler to the nearest 1/8" and 1/16".
19. Measuring Lab
Learning Target: I can accurately measure the length of 30 wooden block samples to the nearest 1/16".
20. Air Skimmer Layout
Learning Target: I can measure and layout an Air Skimmer, using a provided design with dimensions.
21. Air Skimmer Build
Learning Target: I can process and assemble an Air Skimmer, using a provided design with dimensions.
22. Air Skimmer Testing and Modification
Learning Target: I can test and modify my Air Skimmer as needed, so that it travels the furthest distance possible.
23. Plastic Pollution Design Problem
Learning Target: I can design, draw, and present a solution that will clean the world's oceans of plastic pollution, and also research and identify ten ways to reduce plastic waste.
Video: Whale Dies After Swallowing 80 Plastic Bags
Video: Diver Captures Footage of Plastic Pollution Near Norway
24. Business Card Design Activity
Learning Target: I can design and develop a business card using Vista Print software.
Video: Ohio Teen Starts His Own Business
Video: Ohio Teen Starts His Own Business (Original Clip)
Business Card Website: www.vistaprint.com
25. Inventor Drawings - Blocks A & B
Learning Target: I can draw the wooden block models using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.
26. Inventor Drawings - Blocks C & D
Learning Target: I can draw the wooden block models using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.
27. Inventor Drawings - Blocks E/F & G
Learning Target: I can draw the wooden block models using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.
28. Inventor Drawings - Blocks H & I
Learning Target: I can draw the wooden block models using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.