• Needs Assessment

    Full copy of East's Fall 2018 Needs Assessment

    Executive Summary of East's Fall 2018 Needs Assessment

    When the partnership between East and the University of Rochester started, a comprehensive needs assessment was conducted. Much of the findings from that needs assessment can be found in the East EPO. The needs assessmenet process is reconducted every three years, thus the second needs assessment was completed in the Fall of 2018.

    The needs assessment is the process which guides the community school strategy. The needs assessment identifies what needs and assets exist and which programs, services, or policies can be pursued in order to address needs and leverage assets for scholar learning and development. Most needs assessment processes follow similar steps:

    1. Assemble needs assessment team
    2. Review archival data
    3. Perform an initital analysis of the archival data
    4. Adminster surveys
    5. Conduct key informant interviews
    6. Conduct focus groups
    7. Perform a final analysis of data
    8. Write the final report

    The needs assessment team strives to solicit input from as many stakeholders as possible, including scholars, families, staff, faculty, community partners, and neighbors. Each of these partners can provide valuable insight on what needs and assets exist, and provide opportunities for new collaborative partnerships. At the end of the process, the needs assessment team writes a final report, outlining the most important findings and making recommendations which address those findings. The report is transparent and public, meant to collectively guide the community school work.



    East's second needs assessment was completed in the Fall of 2018 using the National Center for Community Schools Needs Assessment Toolkit. The timeline was as follows:

    • July
      • Assemble needs assessment team
      • Review archival data (ongoing)
      • Perform an initital anlysis of the archival data
    • August
      • Custodial focus groups
      • Clerical focus groups
      • School Security Officer focus groups
    • September
      • Parent/Family focus groups
      • Administrative focus groups
      • Community partner focus groups
      • Neighborhood focus groups
    • October
      • Parent/Family focus groups
      • Scholar focus groups
      • Teacher focus groups
      • Teacher-leader focus group
    • November
      • Re-conduct focus groups as needed
      • Key informant interviews
      • Final data analysis
    • December
      • Write final needs assessment report
    • January and beyond
      • Implementation and monitoring


    Needs Assessment Team

    East's current needs assessment team is made up of a variety of stakeholders. If you have any questions or are interested in joining the team, please reach out to Jason Taylor, Community Coordinator, at Jason.Taylor@rcsdk12.org or (585) 288-3130 ext. 2178.

    Name  Role
    Jason Taylor
    Community Coordinator, Chair
    Angel Alicea
    Home-School Assistant
    Maya Crane Connected Communities
    Sarah Dickinson Center for Youth, Agency Coordinator
    Shaquana Divers Parent
    Julie Garcia Parent
    Christine Gervais Parent
    Natasha Green Parent
    Daniel Hart Upper School Teacher
    Nahoko Kawakyu-O'Connor University of Rochester
    Joanne Larson University of Rochester
    Marsha Peone Community Member
    Tammy Tuttobene Senior School Secretary
    Marcos V. Scholar
    Lorna Washington
    Special Assistant to East EPO Superintendent
    Catherine Wilson Parent