Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No.12

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School No. 9

School Information

  • 999 South Avenue, 14620

    (585) 461-3280

    Principal: Anthony Rodriguez

    Class Hours:  7:30am–1:30pm
    Program for 3 & 4-year-olds

    3 & 4 year olds Bilingual Programs

Program Features

    • Wraparound Care Availability: No
    • Transportation Availability: RTS bus pass
    • Medical/Counseling Services Availability: On-site Nurse
    • Parent Groups/Supports: Parent-Teacher Organization, Open House, Curriculum Night, parent conferences, multicultural nights, and parent-liaison workshops for building home-school connections. 
    • Parent Support Staff offers discussions that focus on bridging home and school, and classroom-based parent/child activities. Families are welcomed in the classroom  

Unique Features

    • Full-day program.
    • Offers a PreK program for 3 and 4-year-olds.
    • RTS bus pass available for parents in need of transportation. Pass is for adult (child rides free). 
    • Interactive Whiteboard technology in the classroom, computers, and iPads.
    • Our Universal and Expanded PreK programs prepare students academically and socially for Kindergarten.
    • Provides hearing and vision screening for all students

Two-Way Dual Language Program

  • In RCSD, the Prekindergarten Two-Way Dual Language program model of 90/10, includes sequential and simultaneous programs. The teacher and paraprofessional provide instruction in Spanish (90%) and English (10%). The goal of this program is for students to develop: 


    • Oral language proficiency in Spanish and English  

    • Literacy in Spanish (immersion for simultaneous bilinguals) 

    In order to be bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural. 

    Emergent (Sequential) Bilinguals
    Children who are exposed to a second language after the age of three. 

    Simultaneous Bilinguals 
    Children who are exposed to more than one language prior to the age of three.