Parent Groups/Supports: Parent-Teacher Organization, Open House, Curriculum Night, parent conferences, multicultural nights, and parent-liaison workshops for building home-school connections.
Parent Support Staff offers discussions that focus on bridging home and school, and classroom-based parent/child activities. Families are welcomed in the classroom
Unique Features
Full-day program.
Offers a PreK program for 3 and 4-year-olds.
RTS bus pass available for parents in need of transportation. Pass is for adult (child rides free).
Interactive Whiteboard technology in the classroom, computers, and iPads.
Our Universal and Expanded PreK programs prepare students academically and socially for Kindergarten.
Provides hearing and vision screening for all students
Two-Way Dual Language Program
In RCSD, the Prekindergarten Two-Way Dual Language program model of 90/10, includes sequential and simultaneous programs. The teacher and paraprofessional provide instruction in Spanish (90%) and English (10%). The goal of this program is for students to develop:
Oral language proficiency in Spanish and English
Literacy in Spanish (immersion for simultaneous bilinguals)
In order to be bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural.
Emergent (Sequential) Bilinguals Children who are exposed to a second language after the age of three.
Simultaneous Bilinguals Children who are exposed to more than one language prior to the age of three.