• Welcome to the course page for Regents Geometry.  This course prepares students to be successful on the Common Core Geometry Regents Exam which will be given in June 2016.
    Follow this link to download the 2015 Geometry Common Core Regents Exam.
    Below is a an overview of the course and the topics covered.

    Overview of Year


    Geometry Mathematics Curriculum













    Unit 1


    -  25 days

    Unit 2

    Geometry By Design

    - 25 days

    Unit 3

    Do Bees Build It Best?

    -5 days

    Unit 4

    Orchard Hideout

    -25 days



    Unit 1


    Essential Question


    ·         Similarity and congruence

    ·         Similarity and triangles

    ·         Similarity and right triangle trigonometry

    ·         Similarity and proportionality

    ·         Angle sum formulas for polygons

    ·         Triangle inequality and extension to other polygons

    ·         Angles relationships in parallel lines cut by a transversal

    ·         Vertical angles and angle sums in polygons

    ·         Solving problems using similarity

    ·         Solving problems using right triangle trigonometry

    ·         Similarity proofs

    ·         Radian measure 

    What is the relationship between similarity and size transformations?


    How can deductive arguments be used to show similarity of two figures?


    What are the special properties of similar triangles and how do these properties lead to the definition of the trigonometric ratios?

    Performance Task: 



    Unit 2


    Essential Question

    Geometry by Design

    ·         Basic constructions

    ·         Triangle congruence theorems

    ·         Use of triangle congruence theorems to prove properties of triangles and quadrilaterals

    ·         Transformations

    ·         Use of transformations to prove properties of triangles and quadrilateral,

    ·         Triangle congruence proofs

    ·         Use of transformations to solve problems

    What is the relationship between congruence and the rigid transformations?


    How can deductive arguments be used to show congruence of two figures?


    What are the special properties of triangles and quadrilaterals?

    Performance Task: 



    Unit 3


    Essential Question

    Do Bees Build It Best?

    ·         Area and perimeter

    ·         Surface area and volume

    ·         Pythagorean theorem

    ·         Properties of trigonometric ratios in triangles

    ·         Mean proportional

    ·         Relationships between the perimeters, areas, surface areas, and volumes of similar figures

    How can area and volume formulas be developed?


    How can area and volume formulas be used to solve problems?



    Performance Task: 



    Unit 4


    Essential Question

    Orchard Hideout

    ·         Coordinate geometry

    ·         Distance formula

    ·         Midpoint formula

    ·         Slope and parallel and perpendicular lines

    ·         Equation of a circle

    ·         Completing the square

    ·         Points equidistant from the endpoints of a segment are on the perpendicular bisector of the segment (and vice versa)

    ·         Coordinate proofs

    ·         Centers of triangles

    ·         Constructions

    ·         Circle theorems

    ·         Exterior angle theorem for triangles

    ·         Midpoint connector theorem

    ·         Area of sectors of circles

    ·         Volume formulas

    How can the coordinate plane be used to express geometric relationships algebraically?


    How can coordinates be used to prove geometric properties?



    Performance Task: 



    3D shapes