• EHCLinicLogoNurse Practitioner Staff 


    We are nurse practitioners and physicians from the University of Rochester School of Nursing in partnership with the Rochester City School District who specialize in working with teens. 
    PHONE: 585-288-1390
    FAX: 585-288-1392
    After Hours – 585-435-2332

    Office Staff:
    Melissa DeJesus, receptionist ext. 1104
    Carmen Dieppa, Medical Assistant ext. 1063

    Nurse Practitioner Staff:
    Kim Urbach, PNP, Project Manager ext. 1062
    Joan Stack PNP- Pediatrics ext. 1164

    Behavioral Health
    Maryellen Dennis, PNP ext. 1107


    School Days:
    7:30-3:30 appointments
    and walk-ins

    After hours: emergencies contact your own Doctor or call our after hours number 585-435-2332

    Summer Hours:
    Tuesdays- Thursdays by appointment