Preschool Special Education Programs & ServicesThe Rochester City School District offers a range of educational and related services available to support preschool students with IEPs. Preschool special education services fall along a continuum from less restrictive to more restrictive.Less restrictive programs allow children to receive services alongside students without IEPs. More restrictive programs are available to children who require more specialized supports and services. Preschool programs and services include:
- Related Services: These services include speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and hearing and health services. Related services support academic goals.
- Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT): A SEIT is a special education teacher who works closely with a student on academic, emotional, and social skills. This service is typically devivered in small groups at your child’s regualr early childhood program or at home.
- Special Class in an Integrated Setting (SCIS): Classroom in which students with and without IEPs are educated together. Staff members work together throughout the day to adapt and modify instruction.
- Special Class (Half and Full Day): Classrooms that only service students with IEPs whose needs cannot be met within the general education setting or SCIS classroom.
For more information about the Preschool curriculum, please visit the Early Childhood's website by clicking here
Additional Support Services
There are a number of other supports and services that an IEP can recommend in addition to the program.
- Transportation: Available to any child enrolled in a preschool special class or integrated classroom program.
- Behavioral supports: Available to help preschool children with behavior that intereferes with their learning.
- Extended School Year Services: Recommended for some students who require services during July and August in order to prevent substantial regression. This determination is made by the CPSE.
The CPSE is responsible for arranging all programs and services.Attendance Policy:A successful student and school year starts with good attendance because Every Minute Matters. RCSD’s attendance policy states that all Pre-K students, including those with disabilities, must strive for 100% attendance. Good attendance makes the transition to kindergarten easier and helps prepare your child to read on grade level by third grade.
Excused Absences from School:
- Illness
- Doctor Appointments
- Excessive absences due to health or medical problems must be documented by a doctor’s statement
- Court appearances
- Religious observances
- Death of a family member
- Participation in a school-sponsored event