• Meeting Pic

    CPSE Meeting

    Meeting Overview

    • Once your child’s initial evaluation is completed, you will be invited to attend a Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) meeting. It is very important that you, the parent, attend the CPSE meetings so you can share information and ideas and to work together with the CPSE as a team to make decisions about your child.
    • The initial CPSE meeting will occur within 60 calendar days of the date you (the parent) signed the form consenting to your child’s evaluation. You should receive an invitation to a CPSE meeting at least five days prior to the meeting with the information about the time, date, and location of the meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, you should contact the CPSE to ask to change the date.
    • At the CPSE meeting, the team will review the evaluation results, share and learn more about your child, and determine if your child is eligible for preschool special education services.
    • If found eligible, the CPSE will develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Your CPSE will arrange for all the services and programs on the IEP to be provided, free of cost to you
    • After your child has been identified as a preschool student with a disability, your child’s IEP will be reviewed at least once per year in additional CPSE meetings called “Annual Reviews.” Additionally, your child may be referred for a Reevaluation.

    CPSE Meeting Participants

    You, the parent, are very important member of the CPSE team. Other participants may include:

    • A district representative
    • A special education teacher and/or provider
    • A Monroe County Representative
    • A general education teacher (if child is in general education setting)
    • Others with knowledge about your child or special expertise
    • Early Intervention (EI) service coordinator, at your request
    • An additional parent member upon request