• Foundations Language Enrichment Program

About Foundations

  • An evidence-based, enrichment program, developed and implemented by speech/language pathologists, Foundations Language Enrichment Program will ensure that every one of our kindergarten, first, and second grade students receive the skills necessary to demonstrate optimal academic readiness and success with emphasis on pre-reading skills, literacy, and social language development. Each kindergarten through second grade class will receive this enrichment program, for all students, for 30 minutes 2x per week. Differentiated activities will address the individual needs of each student. The program will offer options for enrichment extension, as needed for those students who have mastered the targeted skills.

    Program Features

    • Pathologists deliver enrichment lessons twice weekly
    • Standards-based enrichment incorporating evidence-based language development strategies
    • Interactive lessons utilizing technology in every classroom to engage students with a variety of learning styles
    • Program available in both English and Spanish

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Why Foundations?

  • Students need basic foundational skills in order to access the curriculum at every grade level. Basic concepts, vocabulary and phonemic awareness make up the foundation on which all academic skills are built. Additionally, social language development is a necessary component of language which requires explicit instruction.  The Foundations Language Enrichment Program helps to build this strong foundation for learning through proper supports and skill development for students in grades K-2.




    Bright Spot 

    Rochester Teachers Care/Casey Blackburn