Links to Kindergarten Lessons:
- In this lesson students will learn the basic concepts: first, next and last.
- These lessons target basic concept vocabulary development through sign language, literature, listening comprehension, and multimedia elements.
- In this lesson students will learn to segment, blend, and delete phonemes in words.
- This lesson demonstrates the concepts of few, many, and none as Scruffy Dog tries to eat a snack.
- This lesson targets ordinal numbers throughout the classic tale, The Three Little Pigs.
- Ms. Porzi teaches students sign language, reads a story, answers questions, and completes an activity to develop the concept of several.
- Ms. Overbeck teaches students the concept of starting, and the antonym of finishing, through sign language, a Brennan story, and comprehension questions.
- Ms. Overbeck teaches students the concepts of in and out through sign language, a story, and a humorous video at the end.
Apply to concepts of almost, empty, and full while making chocolate milk with Ms. Van Remmen.
Links to 1st Grade Lessons:
- This lesson targets successful use of social language to navigate situations with intense emotions. Students engage in sign language, listen to a story, and apply “think aloud” strategies in order to comprehend the content of the literature.
- In this lesson students will learn multiple meaning words in the process of making empanadas.
- This lesson focuses on identifying absurd vocabulary in a sentence and guides students to determine which vocabulary choice would correct the sentence.
- Join Mrs. McElveney (RCSD #7) as she tells an absurd story of her family’s walk in the woods. Help her repair the incorrect vocabulary words and answer questions about the corrected story.
- Ms. Kryger supports students in processing language within literature. She targets synonyms, antonyms, and social language.