• Evaluation Pic

    Evaluation Process

    The Evaluation Process

    When you receive a referral packet, you should select an approved evaluation site from the list provided.The Rochester City School District will coordinate the evaluation based on what you select.

    The evaluator will:
    • Conduct appropriate evaluation
    • Complete the Preschool Student Evaluation Summary Report, which summarized the results of the assessments conducted

    Evaluation Summary

    • The evaluation site will share a copy of evaluation reports, including the Preschool Student Evaluation Summary Report, with you, the parent. Copies will also be sent to the CPSE administrator.
    • Upon receipt of the evaluation reports and summary, a meeting will be scheduled with you and the CPSE to review the evaluations.

    What will the Initial Evaluation Include

    Your child’s initial evaluation will consist of:

    • A comprehensive psychological evaluation that looks at what your child knows and at his or her cognitive abilities
    • A social history interview, which provides background on your child’s development and family history, often from birth to present
    • A physical evaluation, which is a health examination often completed by a child’s doctor
    • An observation of your child in his or her current education setting or childcare location
    • Other appropriate assessments as necessary to ascertain the physical, mental, behavioral, and emotional factors that contribute to the child’s suspected disability