•       1.      Eating and drinking are not allowed in the classroom.

    2.      All electronic devices except calculators must be tuned into the main office during class time. This includes cell phones, mp3 players, PSPs and iPods.

    3.      Raise your hand to ask a question or make comments. Please be respectful of other people’s rights to speak and ask questions.

    4.      Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, your teachers, and your school.

    5.      Cheating in any form will be considered both an academic problem and disciplinary problem. Your grade will be impacted and parents contacted.

    6.      Swearing, unexcused tardiness, skipping and disrespect will result in a writing consequence.

    7.      Any rules that are not followed, will have a writing assignment as a consequence

    8.      Writing assignments must be returned in a timely manner or it will be reflected in the grade.

    9.      NO passes will be given the first or last 10 minutes of class! Students will be able to use the bathroom in 15 minute increments.

    10.  Administrators will be contacted for repeated disciplinary issues.