• NYSAA- New York State Alternate Assessment

    NYSAA Program Description:

    • In grades 9-12+, instruction will be based on an alternate curriculum that meets the needs of all students and aligns NYSAA Framework, CDOS standards, and modified Common Core Standards.
    • Specialized Instruction is provided in whole group, small group, and individual settings.
    • Independent work is presented in a structured teaching format and includes instructional priming and specially designed instruction.
    • Sensory needs are address through environmental modifications and are based on individual needs.
    • Opportunities for parent engagement and specialized training is available through  the Parent Academy.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    • Student demonstrates pre-academic skills
    • The student has a severe cognitive disability, significant deficits in communication/ language, and significant deficits in adaptive behavior;


    • The student requires a highly specialized educational program that facilitates the acquisition, application, and transfer of skills across natural environments (home, school, community, and/or workplace);


    • The student requires educational support systems, such as assistive technology, personal care services, health/medical services, or behavioral intervention.


    • The student may need support for personal care/transitions: getting off the bus, walking to the classroom, taking off his backpack, putting it up and getting materials ready for the day
    • The student may have physical/medical needs, but is able to participate with adult support, specialized equipment, and/or program modifications.
    • The student may have behavioral challenges and/or sensory needs, but is able to participate in a small group setting with adult support and modifications.

     Class configurations:

    12:1+1 NYSAA Special Classes

    • Up to 12 students with disabilities* grouped by similarity of needs instructed by a teacher and teaching assistant.
    • The student demonstrates pre-academic and academic skills.
    • The student can be successful when instruction is delivered in larger and smaller group settings.

    12:1+3 NYSAA Special Classes

    • Up to 12 students with disabilities* grouped by similarity of needs instructed by a teacher, teaching assistant and up to 3 paraprofessionals.
    • The student demonstrates pre-academic skills, but may also need more hand-over-hand instruction, have medical needs, and/or have additional management needs.
    • The student may need a more structured environment with explicit direct instruction and supports.

    NYSAA Testing:

    NYSAA is part of the New York State testing program that measures the attainment of the State’s learning standards in the areas of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science for all students with the most severe disabilities in Grades 3-8 and high school. NYSAA now utilizes individualized computer-based testing for the students. NYSAA testing in ELA, Mathematics, and Science will be assessed using Dynamic Learning Maps alternate assessment indicators by grade-level.

    Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) alternate assessment is a computer-delivered adaptive assessment measuring a student's achievement of the ELA, Mathematics, and Science State Standards at a reduced level of depth, breadth, and complexity. This computerized assessment provides the opportunity to customize the assessment to the individual abilities and needs of the student. It is designed to measure a wide range of proficiencies of students, is quicker and easier to administer and score, and provides useful information to teachers to inform future instruction for the student.

    Upon completion, students in the NYSAA programs will earn a SACC credential (Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential) upon graduation


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