• Assistive Technology

    What is Assistive Technology (AT)?
    AT is defined as both a device and a service.

    AT devices are defined by IDEA as: 
    "any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability." (34CFR § 300.5) 
    AT service is defined by IDEA as: 
    "any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition or use of an assistive technology device." 

    How can parents request an AT evaluation?
    Parents can make a referral to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) to request an AT evaluation.
    What is the evaluation process for AT?

    1) CSE submits the AT evaluation referral.
    2) The student is evaluated. The student and their teachers are trained on the AT device, corresponding goals are developed and strategies are implemented. 
    3) Evaluation may include a student trial. Student performance is reviewed and, if appropriate, IEP goals are refined.
    4) Where the CSE determines it is appropriate, AT is added to the student's IEP.
    5) The AT device/service is provided to the student.

    Common Assistive Technology Considerations- When is AT Appropriate?


    You are considering AT because…

    IEP mandated AT may not be appropriate. Consider 
    Universal Design for Learning. 

    Student may need AT-CSE can consider needs independently or complete referral for further assistance

    The student needs to be motivated.


    The student wants to access the internet or likes computers.


    The student cannot communicate via typical voice and alternative methods have not been effective.

    The student cannot access the curriculum via typical modes comparable to his peers and alternative methods have not been effective.

    The student has reading deficits that are addressed programmatically 


    Students' handwriting is illegible due to lack of practice and or instruction in penmanship.

     Please visit the Rochester City School District's Assistive Technology Team for further information