• SCOPE: In ESOL 9/10 and 11/12, you will build your English vocabulary and develop your listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. 

    READINGS: Readings for the ESOL curriculum will be excerpts and book-length materials from the RCSD English Language Arts grades 8-12 curricula. We will learn vocabulary and grammar at the most basic levels and be able to critique and analyze what we read at more advanced levels. 

    ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments will include but are not limited to class discussions, listening activities, written paragraphs, essays, exams, projects and worksheets.  Much of our work will be done in class, but work can be completed outside of class as necessary.

    GRADING: You will be assessed regularly on speaking, listening, reading and writing. You will earn grades as you complete your activities. These points will accumulate to become your marking period grade. You will have four (4) marking periods and plenty of opportunities to do your best.

    Marking Period Grades

    A+ = 95 – 100 A = 90 – 94 B+ = 85 – 89 B = 80 – 84
    C+ = 75 – 79 C = 70 – 74 D = 65 – 69 F = 50 – 64

    Your marking period grades are based on various activities that you do both in class and outside of class. These activities include:

    Tests/Quizzes = 30%

    Classwork (in class reading/writing assignments, speaking and listening activities) = 70%

    Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments will be assigned periodically via Castle Learning and deal with basic vocabulary or Regents exam preparation. Scores over 70% will be used as additional assignments to support your grade. Extra credit work is optional and will not be used for Marking Period Recovery.

    MARKING PERIOD RECOVERY: Marking Period Recovery work is only for students whose total marking period grade is lower than 65. I do not create Marking Period Recovery specific work. All assignments for all marking periods are in Google Classroom and can be completed electronically. Marking Period Recovery work is accepted through the first five weeks of the following marking period. The work completed must have scores over 65 to qualify. Marking period 2 work can be submitted until March 8, 2024. Marking period 3 work can be submitted until May 16, 2024. There is no Marking Period Recovery work for the final marking period, but during the administration of the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT), several class periods will be opportunities to catch up on marking period 4 assignments.

    FINAL EXAMINATION: I use your participation in the NYSESLAT as your final examination for this course as it is a great opportunity to show how much English you have learned this year.

    Updated 2-12-24