•  Tech

    P-Tech, so much more than just a High School
    What is P-TECH Rochester? 
    P-TECH Rochester is a “grade 9-14” academic and career program that brings together the best elements of high school, college, and the professional world. The program will prepare students for jobs in the Computer Information Technology industry.
    How does P-TECH Rochester work?
    Students will be matched with a business mentor, take college classes, and gain professional work experience during their high school years. After six years, graduates will earn both a New York State Regents diploma and an Associate’s Degree from Monroe Community College.
    P-TECH students will have opportunities to be involved in sports, music, and other extracurricular activities offered in a traditional high school setting, along with strong college and career preparation.
    Why P-TECH?
    Computers and technology are part of every business, job, and nearly everyones' lives. To support this growth of technology, experts in technology are needed to provide support and create the next-generation networks, applications, and devices that power our digital world.  P-TECH is an easy and affordable way to prepare students to be part of the workforce of the future.