• The ABCs of School No. 46:


    Always make wise choices.

    Be responsible.

    Care, cooperate, and be courteous.


    School No. 46 strives to promote a safe learning environment by participating in a school-wide system of supports -- Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS) -- that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors.  The ABCs of School No. 46 are incorporated into the school pledge students and staff recite each morning following the Pledge of Allegiance. 

    All staff members take time to teach, and reinforce throughout the year, expected behaviors in both classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, buses, and restrooms). We use a ticket system to "catch" students making the right choices and classroom teachers use these tickets to reward positive student behavior.

    Each month we feature a different PBIS education value and spend time on character education activities designed to engage students in meaningful discussions and to deepen their understanding of how to be caring, compassionate individuals focused on making positive learning and behavior choices for themselves and their peers. 

    We have a friendly competition between classes to be the first to earn the letters that spell our value word and, on a monthly basis, we host a school wide activity that recognizes students that consistently made positive behavioral choices that month. 


    PBIS Value Education Words
    September - Respect
    October - Cooperation
    November - Dedication
    December - Kindness
    January - Acceptance
    February - Caring
    March - Fairness

    April - Honesty

    May - Courage
    June - Responsibility