"Heavy Work" and Regulation
Ms. Gerhardt shows us how to add "heavy work" into a child's routine. Heavy work helps the brain maintain a calm, organized ready to learn state.
Visual Motor Bunny with Sensory Motor Component
Ms. Gerhardt shows us how to work on drawing shapes and copying skills with a simple activity. She adds a motor component to work on motor strengthening and regulation.
Handwriting Alignment Concepts with Sensory Motor Component
Ms. Gerhardt shows us a simple way to work on visual perceptual concepts - like writing on a line. She adds a sensory motor component to work on motor strengthening and regulation.
Writing Skills with Fine Motor Challenge
Ms. Atkinson uses childrens' toys and rubber bands to add a fine motor challenge to a writing task. This activity works on finger isolation, hand strengthening - skills that are needed for tasks like printing and tool manipulation. She also uses a vertical surface when writing and explains how this helps with shoulder girdle stability and grasp patterns.
Marble Maze for Visual Motor & Bilateral Coordination
Ms. Smalline uses cardboard tubes and a baking sheet to create a marble maze. Eye hand coordination skills are essential for printing, copying, drawing and many other classroom tasks.