• Accommodations & Modifications

    • An accommodation is typically defined as a service or support that is provided to help a student fully access the subject matter and instruction.  Accommodations include adjustments to the environment, instruction or materials. Accommodations do not alter what is being taught. Examples include instructional materials in alternative format such as large print or Braille, fewer items on each page or extra time to complete tasks.
    • modification is used to describe a change in the curriculum or measurement of learning, and may be appropriate when a student with a disability is unable to comprehend all of the core content. When a curriculum modification is made, either the specific subject matter is altered or the performance level expected of students is changed.  Examples include reduced number of assignments or alternate grading system. The decision to make an instructional modification should not be made lightly and should always involve a team.

    Supplementary aids and services and/or program modifications or supports include aids, services and other supports that are provided in general education classes or other educational settings to enable students with disabilities to be educated with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate in the least restrictive environment. The IEP must specify the projected date for initiation of services and the frequency, location and duration of such services. Following are some examples of supplementary aids and services, accommodations and program modifications:

    • A note taker
    • Instructional materials in alternative formats (e.g., Braille, large print, books on tape)
    • Extra time to go between classes
    • Special seating arrangements
    • Highlighted work
    • Books on tape
    • Study guide outlines of key concepts
    • Use of a study carrel for independent work
    • Assignment of supplementary school personnel (i.e., teacher aide/teaching assistant)
    • Behavior management/support plan
    • Extra time to complete assignments
    • Testing Accommodations
    • Alternate Assessment (Including NYSAA)