• Summaryof RECIHS NHS Selection Process and Criteria




    Membershipin National Honor Society is based on four characteristics: Scholarship,Leadership, Service and Character.  Theselection process occurs in several steps.


    1)All sophomores, juniors and seniors who meet the GPA criteria of 4.375 orhigher weighted GPA are eligible to be considered for membership and receivethe candidate information packet.


    2)Candidates have three weeks to complete the Candidate Form and return to Ms.Courtney.


    3)All RECIHS faculty will be given a list of eligible candidates and asked torate any of the students they are familiar with based on leadership, serviceand character.  This can include classinteractions, as well as sports, clubs or other personal interactions.


    4)After receiving all completed Candidate Forms, essays and faculty evaluations,the 5-member Faculty Council will meet and evaluate each candidate.  Criteria for selection in each of thecategories is listed below.




    Leadership:  To meet the leadership criterion for NHS, astudent must name at least one (1) leadership role at school or in thecommunity achieved since the ninth grade and indicate the role(s) and the nameof the adult who supervised each of these activities on the Candidate Form.More than one role may be listed, but there must be at least one verifiablelisting to be selected to our chapter.


    Inaddition, candidates must receive a rating of 3 (good) or 4(excellent/outstanding) from at least three faculty members when evaluated onthe following criteria:


    A student exercises leadership when heror she:

    • Is resourceful in proposing newproblems, applying principles, and making suggestions

    • Demonstrates initiative in promotingschool activities

    • Exercises positive influence on peersin upholding school ideals and spirit

    • Contributes ideas that improve thecivic life of the school

    • Is able to delegate responsibilities

    • Inspires positive behavior in others

    • Demonstrates academic initiative

    • Successfully holds school offices orpositions of responsibility; conducts business effectively and efficiently;demonstrates reliability and dependability

    • Is a leader in the classroom, at work,or in other school or community activities

    • Is dependable in any responsibilityaccepted


    Service:  To be selected as a member of our chapter, acandidate must show evidence of the completion of an average of ten (10) hoursof service per year at school or in the community since the start of ninthgrade.  For the first cohort (spring2014), the Faculty Council will be looking for evidence of on-going communityservice, though a candidate may not have met the average 10 hours/year minimum.


    Inaddition, candidates must receive a rating of 3 (good) or 4(excellent/outstanding) from at least three faculty members when evaluated onthe following criteria:


    The student who serves:

    • Volunteers and provides dependable andwell-organized assistance, and is willing to make sacrifices to offerassistance

    • Works well with others and is willingto take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities

    • Willingly renders any requestedservice to the school

    • Is willing to represent the class orschool in interclass and interscholastic competition

    • Participates in some activity outsideof school, for example, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, religious groups, volunteerservices for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged.

    • Mentors in the community or studentsat other schools

    • Shows courtesy by assisting visitors,teachers, and students.



    Character:  A person of character demonstrates thefollowing six qualities: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring,and citizenship. 


    Candidatesmust receive a rating of 3 (good) or 4 (excellent/outstanding) from at leastthree faculty members when evaluated on the following criteria:


    The student of character:

    • Consistently exemplifies positive anddesirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)

    • Cooperates by complying with allschool policies and regulations and codes of student conduct (behavior records considered)

    • Takes criticism willingly and acceptsrecommendations graciously

    • Demonstrates the highest standards ofhonesty, academic integrity, and reliability (academic honesty record considered)

    • Regularly exhibits courtesy, concern,and respect for others

    • Complies with instructions and rules,and displays personal responsibility(attendance and tardiness considered).



    Alldecisions on candidate selection are made solely by the 5 member FacultyCouncil after consideration of all submitted information and a Councildiscussion. A student is selected by majority decision of the 5-member Council.