Episode 1: The Pigeon Wants a Puppy!
by on Length:Today's story is The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! by Mo Willems. After listening to the story, draw a picture and write a sentence about a pet that you want.
Episode 2: There's No Place Like Space
by on Length:Today's read aboud is There's No Place Like Space by Tish Rabe. After listening, make a list of questions you have about space.
Episode 3: Pup and Hound
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Pup and Hound by Susan Hood. Listen for words with the /ou/ sound like in hound. After the story, make a list of things in your house and see if you can think of other words that rhyme with them.
Episode 4: Waiting Is Not Easy
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Waiting Is Not Easy by Mo Willems. While you are waiting to come back to school, use this time to do things at home with your family that make you happy. It will help make the waiting a little easier!
Episode 5: When Spring Comes
by on Length:Today's read-aloud is When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes. After listening to the story, ask your child to draw a picture that shows what Spring looks like.
Episode 6: Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza
by on Length:Today's read aloud is a book about shapes called Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza by Marjorie Eberts and Margaret Gisler. After listening to the story, get a pencil or some crayons and get creative by drawing a picture using circles, squares, and triangles.
Episode 7: Round Is a Mooncake
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Round is a Mooncake by Roseanne Thong. After listening, you are going to become shape detectives and go on a shape scavenger hunt at home! Follow the directions in the video to make a recording sheet and list or draw examples of circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles that you find in your house. Have fun!
Episode 8: The Clever Monkey
by on Length:In class we have been reading stories and folktales from around the world. Today's read aloud is The Clever Monkey, a folktale from West Africa retold by Rob Cleveland. After listening, complete a story map summarizing the characters, setting and plot (beginning, middle, ending). Then, retell the story to a family member.
Episode 9: The Lion and the Mouse
by on Length:Today's read aloud is a fable with many different versions. This version is retold by Gare Thompson. One moral to this fable is that everyone can be helpful--it doesn't matter how big or how old you are. After listening to today's fable, try and help at least one person today!
Episode 10: If You Were a Plus Sign
by on Length:Today's read-aloud is If You Were a Plus Sign by Trisha Speed Shaskan. We will review writing number sentences and solving addition equations. Make sure you have paper and a pencil. At the end of the story, there are some problems for you to try at home.
Episode 11: A Collection for Kate
by on Length:We are going to practice addition strategies as we read today's read aloud, A Collection for Kate by Barbara deRubertis. Make sure you have paper and a pencil ready! After the read aloud, look around your house and start your own collection. Leave me a comment and tell me about your collection.
Episode 12: Too Much Noise
by on Length:Today we're reading Too Much Noise by Ann McGovern. It's a different version of a folktale that we read in class earlier this year. After the story, I'll show you how to make a Venn Diagram to compare the two stories.
Extension Activity #2: The lesson that the main character learns in both versions is that things could always be worse. I know that this is a really stressful time for a lot of people right now. Try to focus on something positive and make a list of 5 things that you're grateful for. I know that I am grateful for all of you!
Episode 13: The Easter Egg
by on Length:Today's read aloud is The Easter Egg by Jan Brett. After listening, I'll show you how you can design your own Easter egg or draw a spring picture.
Episode 14: Even Steven and Odd Todd
by on Length:Today we're going to learn about even and odd numbers with the story Even Steven and Odd Todd by Kathryn Cristaldi. After listening, you can go on a number scavenger hunt and classify numbers in your house as either even or odd.
Episode 15: The Empty Pot
by on Length:In today's read aloud, The Empty Pot by Demi, the Emperor issues a challenge to his kingdom. The winner will become the next emperor. After listening to this folktale, you are going to be authors! Write a story imagining what it would be like to be an emperor or king.
Episode 16: Tricky Tortoise
by on Length:Today we are going to read another another folktale. Today's read aloud is a folktale from Africa titled Tricky Tortoise by Mwenye Hadithi and Adrienne Kennaway. During the reading, we'll stop and make a prediction about how Tortoise will trick the elephant. After listening you can make a story map to summarize the characters, setting, and plot.
Episode 17: A Mink, A Fink, A Skating Rink
by on Length:In school we learned that nouns are words that name a person, place, or thing. We also learned about types of nouns: common nouns and proper nouns. Today's read aloud, A Mink, A Fink, A Skating Rink by Brian Cleary, is a fun review of nouns. After listening you can go on a noun scavenger hunt around your house and list examples of nouns that you find.
Episode 18: The Frog Prince
by on Length:One of the first grade Listening and Learning units is on Fairy Tales. Since we're not in school to read them together, I'll be reading some of my favorite fairy tales to you from home. I'll post questions at the end for you to talk about with a family member. Today's fairy tale is The Frog Prince, retold by Edith Tarcov.
Episode 19: Sleeping Beauty
by on Length:Our next fairy tale is Sleeping Beauty. Like folktales and fables, fairy tales have been told for many years and have many different versions. If you are already familiar with the story of Sleeping Beauty, listen to see what is different about today's version.
Some characteristics that fairy tales often have in common are that they have "once upon a time" beginnings, have royal characters, take place in a castle and/or a forest, include fantasy (things that could not really happen in real life) and magic, and have a hero and a villian. As you listen to today's fairy tale, pay attention for these elements. I've also included some questions for you to talk about with a family member.
Episode 20: Rapunzel
by on Length:Today's fairy tale is Rapunzel. Listen carefully for elements of a fairy tale: a once upon a time beginning, royal characters, fantasy/magic, a villain, and a happy ending. After listening, there are questions to go over with a family member.
Episode 21: Hansel and Gretel
by on Length:Today's fairy tale is Hansel and Gretel. Listen carefully for elements of a fairy tale: a once upon a time beginning, royal characters, fantasy/magic, a villain, and a happy ending. After listening, there are questions to go over with a family member.
Episode 22: Jack and the Beanstalk
by on Length:Today's fairy tale is Jack and the Beanstalk. Listen carefully for elements of a fairy tale: a once upon a time beginning, royal characters, fantasy/magic, a villain, and a happy ending. After listening, there are questions to discuss with a family member.
Episode 23: Kate and the Beanstalk
by on Length:Today's fairy tale is a familiar story with a few twists! I'm excited to share Kate and the Beanstalk by Mary Pope Osborne with you! Listen for parts that are the same as the original story of Jack and the Beanstalk and think about how the two stories are different. Today's story also has many of the elements of fairy tales that we learned about. Enjoy!
Episode 24: The Frog Prince Continued
by on Length:Today's story is The Frog Prince Continued by Jon Scieszka. In this story, the author imagines what might have happened after the "happily ever after" ending in The Frog Prince. This story also uses some characters from other fairy tales that we've read--see how many you recognize. Enjoy!
Episode 25: The Paper Bag Princess
by on Length:For the 25th episode of Reading with Ryder, I'm reading a story that was a favorite of mine when I was little.
Today's read aloud is The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. Although it is considered a nontraditional fairy tale, you'll still recognize some of the elements of fairy tales that we've learned about. Enjoy! -
Episode 26: Clean Your Room, Harvey Moon
by on Length:This week we've been learning about the /oo/ sound like in the word soon. Today's read aloud is Clean Your Room, Harvey Moon by Pat Cummings. Listen for words with the /oo/ sound. How many did you hear? After listening, there is a worksheet for you to practice reading words with the /oo/ sound.
Episode 27: Rumpelstiltskin
by on Length:Today's fairy tale is Rumpelstiltskin. Listen carefully for elements of a fairy tale: a once upon a time beginning, royal characters, fantasy/magic, a villain, and a happy ending. After listening, there are questions to talk about with a family member.
Episode 28: The Great Fairy Tale Disaster
by on Length:We've read a lot of fairy tales this year: Cinderella, The Frog Prince, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel and Gretel, and Jack and the Beanstalk. We learned that fairy tales have elements in common including a once upon a time beginning, royal characters, fantasy/magic, a villain, and a happy ending.
Today's read aloud, The Great Fairy Tale Disaster by David Conway, is a mash up of a lot of familiar stories including the fairy tales we read and some stories you might remember from kindergarten. See how many you recognize. After listening, I'd like you to draw a picture of your favorite fairy tale and write a sentence telling why that story was your favorite. -
Episode 29: How Do You Know It's Spring?
by on Length:Today's read aloud is How Do You Know It's Spring? by Allan Fowler. After listening, you are going to be scientists! I'd like you to go outside and use your five senses to make observations about signs of spring. If the weather's not nice, you can save this activity for another day. I've attached a graphic organizer to record your observations.
Episode 30: The Shape of Things
by on Length:Today's read aloud is The Shape of Things by Dayle Ann Dodds. In addition to circles, squares, and triangles, this book also talks about rectangles, ovals, and rhombuses. Shapes are everywhere and it can be fun to make pictures out of different shapes. After listening, use shapes that you know to make your own picture.
Episode 31: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst. It's normal to feel upset or overwhelmed sometimes or feel like nothing is going the way you want it to. At the end of the story, I'll share some strategies that I use to help me when I'm having a rough day.
Episode 32: Dog on a Frog?
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Dog on a Frog? by Kes and Claire Gray and Jim Field. It's a silly book of rhyming words. After listening, see how many words you can write that rhyme with "Spring".
Episode 33: The Best Story
by on Length:Today we are reading The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli. After listening, the activity today is to write your own best story. Think about the chart in our classoom and remember that writers write about what they know. You are experts about a lot of things! I'd love to read your story when you're finished!
Episode 34: Jump, Jog, Leapfrog
by on Length:Today we are going to learn about verbs. A verb is a word that names an action. Actions are things that you can do, like run and jump and read. Today's read aloud, Jump, Jog, Leapfrog: Fun with Action Words by Tracy Traynor, has lots of examples of other verbs. After listening, starting keeping a list of all of the actions you do today. There is also a worksheet for you to practice identifying words in sentences.
Episode 35: To Root, to Toot, to Parachute
by on Length:Today we're reading To Root, to Toot, to Parachute by Brian Cleary. This is a silly story that reviews that words that name an action are called verbs. After listening there is a worksheet for you to practice identifying verbs in sentences. I also included a verb game you can play at home iwth your family. Have fun!
Episode 36: Scoot!
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Scoot by Cathryn Falwell. It is filled with lots of verbs describing the movements of animals that live in a pond habitat. After listening, there is a movement activity for you do. Have fun!
Episode 37: What's Alive?
by on Length:We're beginning a unit on animals and habitats. Today's read aloud is What's Alive? by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. We will be learning about the difference between living and nonliving things. We will also learn what living things need to survive. After listening you will be able to make a chart with examples of living and nonliving things.
Episode 38: Arctic Adventure
by on Length:A place where an animal or plant lives that has food, water, and shelter is called a habitat. Animals and plants usually live in habitats that are just right for them. Today we are reading Arctic Adventure by Gail Herman and learning about the Arctic habitat and the adaptations animals and plants have to survive living there. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of an animal that lives in the Arctic habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 39: Animals of the Sonoran Desert Habitat
by on Length:Today we will learn about a desert habitat and the adaptations of plants and animals that make this habitat their home. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of the desert habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 40: The East African Savanna
by on Length:Today we will learn about the East African Savanna habitat and the adaptations of plants and animals that make this habitat their home. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of the savanna habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 41: Animals of the Temperate Deciduous Forest
by on Length:Today we will learn about the Temperate Deciduous Forest habitat and the adaptations of plants and animals that make this habitat their home. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of the deciduous forest habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 42: Nature's Green Umbrella
by on Length:Today we are reading Nature's Green Umbrella by Gail Gibbons to learn about the Tropical Rain Forest habitat and the adaptations of plants and animals that make this habitat their home. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of the Tropical Rain Forest habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 43: The Great Kapok Tree
by on Length:The Rain Forest is the habitat for many of the world's animals. Today we're reading The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. This story tells the importance of the Kapok Tree through the voices of the animals that live there. As you listen, think about why the Kapok Tree and the rain forest are important to animals and humans. After listening, draw a picture of the Kapok tree and two animals from the story. Write a sentence about why it is important to protect the rain forest.
Episode 44: Animals of the Freshwater Habitat
by on Length:In today's read aloud you will learn about freshwater habitats. The water in rivers, lakes, and streams is freshwater. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of a freshwater habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 45: On the Ocean Floor
by on Length:Today we're reading The Magic School Bus On The Ocean Floor by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen as an introduction to our final habitat-the ocean. After listening, think about what you already know about the ocean and what you'd like to learn about.
Episode 46: Animals of the Saltwater Habitat
by on Length:In today's read aloud you will learn about saltwater habitats. The water in oceans and seas is saltwater. After reviewing the read aloud with a family member, please draw a picture of a saltwater habitat and write a sentence about what you learned.
Episode 47: Sharks!
by on Length:We've been learning about a lot of different animals and their habitats. Today's read aloud is Sharks by Michael Candelaria. I chose this book because I know many of you have enjoyed looking at shark books in our classroom library. As you listen, pay attention to adaptations that help sharks survive in their habitat. I hope you can all learn at least 1 interesting fact about sharks!
Episode 48: Elephants
by on Length:Today's read aloud is Elephants: Life in the Wild by Monica Kulling. We learned about elephants when we studied the East African Savanna habitat. Elephants are one of my favorite animals. After listening, please draw a picture of your favorite animal and write a sentence (or more) explaining why you like this animal. Make sure you use the word "because" to tell why you this animal is your favorite.
Episode 49: Me and My Place in Space
by on Length:I'm so excited to share the Astronomy unit with you!
Astronomy is the study of space. Our read aloud today, Me and My Place in Space by Joan Sweeney, is an introduction to some of the things we will be learning about space. After listening, please draw a picture of things you see in the sky during the daytime. -
Episode 50: The Sun
by on Length:It's Day 2 of our astronomy unit and today we're learning about the sun! We'll be reading The Sun by Martha Rustad. In today's read aloud we will learn important facts about the sun, the center of our solar system. After listening, there are discussion questions to review what you learned.
Episode 51: The Stars
by on Length:It's Day 3 of our astronomy unit and today we're going to learn some interesting facts about the stars! Sometimes it is hard to see all of the stars in the sky because of all the lights in city, but take a look at the sky tonight and draw a picture of what you see in the night sky.
Episode 52: The Moon Book
by on Length:Today we're learning about Earth's closet neighbor in space--the moon! Our read-aloud, The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons, has lots of great facts about the moon including space exploration missions to the moon. After listening, pretend you're an astronaut and draw a picture of yourself on the moon.
Episode 53: Planets!
by on Length:Last week we learned about the sun, moon, and stars. Today we're going to learn more about our solar system with the read aloud Planets by Lisa Jo Rudy. I've attached a graphic organizer that you can make on paper to keep track of interesting facts about each planet.
Episode 54: The Solar System
by on Length:We read yesterday that there are 8 major planets in our Solar System. As you listen to The Solar System by Emily Bone, listen for examples of what makes each planet unique (special, different from the other planets) and add these facts to your graphic organizer from yesterday.
Episode 55: Lost in Space
by on Length:Today we're finishing our astronomy unit by reading The Magic School Bus: Lost in Space by Joanna Cole to review what we learned about the solar system. Magic School Bus books are filled with information so I'm sure you'll learn some new facts as well!
Episode 56: How Do You Know It's Summer?
by on Length:According to the calendar, summar won't officially start for over a week but after the high temperature yesterday, I decided that today was a perfect day to read How Do You Know It's Summer? by Allan Fowler. After listening, you're going to be scientists and use your 5 senses to make observations to explain how you know it's summer.
Episode 57: Fraction Fun
by on Length:Today we're reading Fraction Fun by David Adler. We use fractions all the time. A fraction is a part of something. We're going to learn about two important fractions: 1/2 and 1/4. During the read aloud, I'll show you a project that you can do at home to make a model of these two fractions.
Episode 58: Me on the Map
by on Length:This week we'll be learning about maps. A map is a picture of a place. Today's read aloud is Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney. After listening, ask a family member to help you look at a map. Can you find where you are on the map?
Episode 59: My Map Book
by on Length:Today we're reading My Map Book by Sara Fanelli. This book features a child's maps of some of her favorite places and things. After listening, draw and label a map of something important to you.
Episode 60: Mapping Penny's World
by on Length:In the books we're read this week, we've seen maps of lots of different places. Today's read aloud is Mapping Penny's World by Loreen Leedy. We learn that maps include symbols (pictures) that stand for real things and a map key to explain what the symbols on the map mean. After listening, you can make a map of any place that is important to you, like your bedroom, your house, your backyard, or your neighborhood.
Episode 61: There's a Map on my Lap!
by on Length:Today we are reading There's a Map on my Lap by Tish Rabe, a book all about maps written in Dr. Seuss style.
Episode 62: Last Day Blues
by on Length:Since today is the last day of school, we're reading Last Day Blues by Julie Danneberg. It's the sequel to First Day Jitters, which we read back in September.
I hope you all have a safe, fun summer. I will miss you!