• Welcome to our Physical Education program. We look forward to a positive and exciting school year. The Physical Education program provides students with instruction and planned movement experiences in a variety of ways, including individual games, cooperative games as well as team games. Students will have opportunities to; gain knowledge about and practice locomotor skills to become effective and efficient movers, learn about health concepts, improve their level of physical fitness, develop responsible decision-making skills, enhance positive social interactions and to understand the value of life-long physical activity.    

    Students are asked to follow the core values of our school (S.O.A.R) Self-control, Outstanding teamwork, Accountability, and Respect during Physical Education class. Students are required to wear sneakers in order to participate (Crocs in sports mode do not take the place of tied sneakers and are not allowed for participation). Students are always encouraged to participate and try their best each day they are in Physical Education class. Meeting these expectations will assist in a positive learning environment throughout the school year.


    Mr. Hall and Mr. Harris

    Helen Barrett Montgomery School #50