Welcome to Helen Barrett Montgomery's School-Based Planning Team
Our SBPT is responsible for improving school productivity and assisting with our multi-year School Comprehensive Education Plan. The planning team, chaired by our principal, assesses student performance and school effectiveness, sets improvement goals, and designs instruction and other services in the context of those goals. Our team is a deliberative, decision-making body that puts great focus on instruction, curriculum, and support for student learning. Our goal is to shape and strengthen the education provided to students and help lead them to the highest standards of achievement.
If you are interested in participating, please CLICK HERE or call our main office today!
2024-2025 Team Members
Role / Title
Lakisha Taylor
Principal, Chair
Lynda Mortis
Assistant Principal
Felecia Drysdale
Assistant Principal felecia.drysdale@rcsdk12.org
Amanda Hanley
Special Education Teacher & Instructional Coach
Stacey Dawson
Instructional Coach
Kelly Simbari
Teacher, General Education
Sonia Simpson Teacher, General Education sonia.simpson@rcsdk12.org Karl DePoint
Teacher, General Education
Lisa Peers
Teacher, General Education
Laura Cutaia
Teacher, General Education
Andrea Davis
Teacher, ENL
Kim Kleaka
Teacher, ENL
Veronica Lane Para, PreK veronica.lane@rcsdk12.org Diane McKnight Para, PreK diane.mcknight@rcsdk12.org Shavon Bowick
Office Clerk
Naz Mezzenga
Caregiver nazmazzenga@gmail.com Michelle Rouse
Caregiver 2024-25 Meeting Dates
Our School Based Planning Team meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Please check with our Parent Liaison, Jewell Brown or contact our school office for details and date confirmation. All meetings are held in room 183 at Helen Barrett Montgomery. You can read more about what our team has been doing to better our classrooms and students’ educational progress by viewing our monthly minutes below.