• Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT)

    Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classrooms include students with and without disabilities and have two teachers, a general education teacher and a special education teacher. The teachers work together throughout the day to adapt and modify instruction for your child and make sure the entire class has access to the general education curriculum. Students may be in an ICT classroom all day or for a portion of the day.

    Children receiving ICT may also receive related services, assistive technology, para­professional services or other supplementary aids and services if needed. The child’s IEP must indicate: 


    • Whether the service is full-time or part-time
    • The number of periods each day he or she will receive the services, and
    • The area of instruction (for example, mathematics) for which the student will be receiving this service
    The Rochester City School District offers specially designed ICT classrooms for students with severe articulation with the STEPS program and delays in Language based learning needs through the Language Enriched ICT. 
    The District also offers an Autism Spectrum Disorder Connect (ASD Connect) program that supports our students in an ICT model.  
    Special Class Services
    Special Class Services are services provided for children with disabilities who are grouped together in a classroom on a full or part-time basis. Read More »