• Course Description: Middle School Technology class is designed to assist students in becoming better Digital Citizens. Each grade level will have custom projects/assignments designed for that grade’s developmental & proficiency levels. 


    Topics covered by all grades will include online safety, digital etiquette, cyber bullying, appropriate use, protecting your online reputation, social networking, plagiarism, copyright and fair use, how to conduct effective searches, how to evaluate sites for accuracy and bias, as well as computer and Internet History.


    Students will use communication and collaboration tools in class such as blogs, Google Apps for Schools and discussion boards. They will create products using common productivity tools, Google Apps for Schools, Microsoft Office 2010 software and other web-based applications. 



    Attendance Policy: Students are expected to show up for class on time every day. If you are tardy it is your responsibility to check in with me and present a tardy slip.  If you are absent, you are expected to discuss with me what it is you missed.   You have 4 days to turn in work missed while absent.  All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.



    Course Objectives: 

    Integrated with these concepts are the New York State Educational Technology Standards.

    • Students will practice, track, & improve progress in keyboarding skills. Students will explain rules of online safety and netiquette, cyber bullying, plagiarism, copyright and fair use. 

    • Students will discuss social networking tools, including ways they can be used to enhance learning, productivity, and relationships, as well as ways they can be misused and the consequences of misuse. 

    • Students will manage and protect their digital reputation. 

    • Students will employ search terms to narrow down appropriate sites in research as well as evaluate those sites as a resource. 

    • Students will be able to properly cite sources in research and to create a bibliography. 

    • Students will collaborate and communicate using blogs, podcasts, video conferencing, Edmodo, Google Apps for Schools and online discussions. 

    • Students will create original projects using common productivity software, Microsoft Office 2010, Google Apps for Schools, web-based tools, and concept mapping software. 


    Course Requirements


    Assignment Submission: When you are at school you are to save your work into your Google Apps drive set up on the school network.  You will be shown how to save to this drive.  From then on it is your responsibility to save to your drive or lose your work and face the consequences of turning in nothing.  This class is primarily paperless and all assignments will be turned in online.


    Grading: You should be able to track your progress and know your grade at all times. Your student’s grades can be viewed online on Roc Connect


    Evaluation will be based on the following:


                Daily Assignments/Participation            45%


                Projects                                                45%


             Test or Quiz                                          10%



    Monitored Online Communication:  All communication must be positive and constructive. We are a community of learners and in this classroom you should act responsible. Keep in mind I will see all class communications.  Be professional.  If you wouldn’t say it in front of a teacher, do not say it in writing.  Do not use texting abbreviations in class discussions, blog posts, or assignments