Welcome to Mrs.Paco's webpage Math 8th!
Week of November 26th
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderfull Thanksgiving Break:)
Bellow follows the order of our Math lessons for this upcoming week
Lesson 34 Solving Equations with Fractions
Lesson 35 Adding and substracting integers without calculator
Lesson 36 Multiply and Divide without Calculator
Lesson 37 Adding and Subtracting Fractions review (without calculator)
Lesson 38 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions review ( without calculator)Week of November 5th, 2012# 29 lesson Quiz 2 on solving equationsWeek of October 29th, 2012This is the first week of the second Mraking Period. Let's work together to make the differenceWeek of October 15th, 2012This is the last week of the first Marking period. Some of the 8th grade students are taking the NWEA Test in computer lab.Lesson 20 ( A,B,C,D) Solving two step equations with Proofs/reasoningLesson 21 (A,B,C,D) Word problem, two step equationsWeek of October 10th, 2012Students will finish up scientific notation and start working on Solving Equations unitSolving 1 step equations part 1 lesson #17VIDSolving 1 step Equations part 2 lesson #18Solving 1 step equations lesson #18CSolving 2 step equations lesson #19Week of October 1rst, 2012Students will work on scientific notation. Atatched are the lessons that we will be doing in class.scientifc notation 7VID1 VID2Scientific Notation 8VID 1 VID 2Dividing numbers in scientific notationBuild your own planetMultiply divide in scientific notationMrs.Paco's PlanetPEMDAS#5C/D Order of operationsEvaluation Expressions6C/D Evaluation ExpressionsProperties of Exponents- Lesson 1
- Exponents lesson 2 and 3
- Exponents Lesson 4
- VID 1 ; VID 2 ; VID 3
- Exponents Lesson
- Exponents leson 6
- Scientific notation 7
- VID1 VID 2
- Scientific Notation lesson 8
- VID 1 VID 2