• Virtual Media
    This is a challenging course that is designed for the individual who is interested in graphics and media creation. Students will use the Adobe Master Collection to work through various forms of animation, original creation, digital manipulation and production. Students will also be required to develop their own storylines, scripting sequence, and have a good working knowledge of the vocabulary that is key in these areas. Students will also be using digital cameras, green screen/chromokey and need to have the vocabulary associated with the field of photography.


    Students are required to:

    • produce and manipulate digital photos
    • create and illustrate comics
    • create, edit, produce and original movie or animation using their skills.
    • take digital photographs
    • work with web2.0 tools
    • work with Adobe Master Collection
    Students will understand the interdisciplinary relationship that exists between science, math, technology, literature, and the creation of music, art and graphic design. Students will have an understanding of the careers and career potential associated within these areas and activites. The work is project based, the focus is on the technical applications of the programs that are used. Artistic talent is not required.
    I consistently take the student reflections and make changes to assignments, revamp and revise the curriculum. Assignments from past years are posted at my website:
Last Modified on September 20, 2021