Grades 5–6
Core Performance Indicators:
common to all four ELA standards
Throughout grades 5 and 6, students demonstrate the following core performance indicators in the key ideas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Reading• Identify purpose of reading
• Adjust reading rate according to purpose for reading
• Use word recognition and context clues to read fluently
• Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues, a dictionary, or a glossary
• Identify signal words, such as finally or in addition, that provide clues to organizational formats such as time order
• Use knowledge of punctuation to assist in comprehension
• Apply corrective strategies (e.g., rereading and discussion with teachers, peers, or
parents/caregivers) to assist in comprehension
• Read aloud, using inflection and intonation appropriate to text read and to audience
• Maintain a personal reading list to reflect reading goals and accomplishmentsListening• Listen respectfully and responsively
• Identify own purpose for listening
• Recognize content-specific vocabulary or terminology
• Listen for unfamiliar words and learn their meaningSpeaking• Respond respectfully
• Initiate communication with peers, teachers, and others in the school community
• Use language and grammar appropriate to purpose for speaking
• Use facial expressions and gestures that enhance communication
• Establish eye contact during presentations and group discussions
• Use audible voice and pacing appropriate to content and audience
• Use visual aids to support the presentation
Writing• Understand the purpose for writing; the purpose may be to explain, describe, narrate, persuade, or express feelings
• Determine the intended audience before writing
• Use tone and language appropriate for audience and purpose
• Use prewriting activities (e.g., brainstorming, note taking, freewriting, outlining, and paragraphing)
• Use the writing process (e.g., prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and editing)
• Use teacher conferences and peer review to revise written work
• Observe the rules of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, such as
- punctuation of compound sentences, friendly/business letters, simple dialogue, and exact words from sources (quotations); use italics/underlining for titles
- capitalization of proper nouns such as key words in literary and/or book titles, languages, and historical events
- spelling of commonly misspelled words, homonyms, and content-area vocabulary
• Use correct grammatical construction in
- parts of speech such as nouns; adjectives and adverbs (comparative/ superlative); pronouns (indefinite/ nominative/objective); conjunctions (coordinating/ subordinating); prepositions and prepositional phrases; and interjections
- simple/compound/complex sentences, using, correct subject-verb agreement, verb tense, punctuation, and pronouns with clear antecedents
• Use signal/transitional words (e.g., in addition, for example, finally, as a result, similarly, and on the other hand) to provide clues to organizational format
• Use dictionaries, thesauruses, and style manuals
• Use word processing skills