Grades 2–4
Core Performance Indicators:
common to all four ELA standards
Throughout grades 2, 3, and 4, students demonstrate the following core performance indicators in the key ideas of reading, writing, listening, and
Reading• Identify purpose for reading
• Use letter-sound correspondence, knowledge of grammar, and overall context to determine meaning
• Use decoding strategies, such as sounding out words, comparing similar words, breaking words into smaller words, and looking for word parts, such as root words, prefixes, and suffixes
• Use self-monitoring strategies, such as rereading and cross-checking
• Apply corrective strategies, using classroom resources, such as teachers, peers, and reference tools
• Recognize the difference between phrases and sentences
• Read with attention to sentence structure and punctuation, such as periods, question marks, and commas, to assist in comprehension
• Engage in independent silent reading
• Locate the name of the author, illustrator, title page, table of contents, index, and chapter headings
• Recognize and discriminate among a variety of informational texts
• Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues, dictionaries, and other classroom resources
• Read aloud at appropriate rate
• Read with increasing fluency and confidence from a variety of texts
• Maintain a personal reading list to reflect reading goals and accomplishments
• Use computer software to support readingListening• Listen respectfully and responsively
• Attend to a listening activity for an extended period of time
• Avoid interrupting
• Respond appropriately to what is heard
Writing• Begin to develop a voice in writing
• Spell frequently used words correctly
• Use basic punctuation correctly, such as
- commas in a series, in simple/compound sentences, and in friendly letters
- periods, exclamation points, and question marks
- apostrophes for contractions and singular possessives
- quotation marks for titles and simple dialogue
• Use, in writing simple/compound sentences,
- correct tense of regular/irregular verbs
- subject-verb agreement
- varied vocabulary and sentence structure
- various parts of speech, including personal pronouns
• Capitalize words such as literary titles, holidays, and product names
• Write sentences in logical order and create paragraphs to develop ideas
• Use an organizational format that reflects a beginning, middle, and end
• Develop an idea within a brief text
• Learn and use the writing process (e.g., prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and editing)
• Use revision strategies to develop writing, including conferring with teachers and peers, and cutting and pasting
• Determine the intended audience before writing
• Use legible print and/or cursive writing
• Use word processingSpeaking• Respond respectfully
• Initiate communication with peers and familiar adults
• Use age-appropriate vocabulary
• Speak in grammatically correct sentences
• Use gestures appropriate to conveying meaning
• Establish eye contact, when appropriate, to engage the audience
• Speak loudly enough to be heard by the audience