Prekindergarten–Grade 1
Core Performance Indicators:
common to all four ELA standards
Throughout prekindergarten, kindergarten, and grade 1, students are developing the following core performance indicators in the key ideas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
ReadingDistinguish between print and pictures
Recognize the difference between letters and wordsFollow left-to-right and top to bottom direction when readingLocate parts of a bookRecognize and identify letters of the alphabetAlphabetize high-frequency words according to the first letterDistinguish the difference between vowels and consonantsUse beginning and ending consonants, as well as vowel sounds, to identify wordsRecognize the different sounds that make up a wordPoint to words in a text or on a chart when read aloud, matching spoken word to printRecognize the singular and plural of frequently used wordsRecognize own name and the names of friends and family in printRecognize letter-sound correspondenceRecognize that words consist of a combination of soundsIdentify rhyming wordsMonitor own reading by applying strategies (e.g., sounding out letters; using context, grammar, and picture clues; and rereading) to determine meaningRead aloud with expression and fluencyUse computer software to support early reading developmentListeningListen respectfully and responsivelyAttend to a listening activity for a specified period of timeAvoid interruptingRespond with expression appropriate to what is heardWritingFollow left-to-right and top-to-bottom direction when writingUse spacing between letters and words when writing on a lineWrite recognizable upper- and lowercase letters in manuscriptCapitalize the first words of sentences, the letter "I," and proper nouns, such as names, days of the week, and monthsWrite the letters of own first and last namesSpell high-frequency words correctlyUse the singular and plural of high-frequency wordsPut words together in sentence format by using end punctuation, such as periods various parts of speech, such as nouns and adjectives, and verbsBegin to edit your writings, with assistanceUse beginning-of-sentence capitalization and end punctuationUse classroom resources, such as word walls, picture dictionaries, teachers, and peers, to support the writing processGive and seek constructive feedback in order to improve writingUse computer software to support development of early writing skillsSpeakingRespond respectfullyUse age-appropriate vocabularyTake turns speaking in a groupCorrect the pronunciation of words by using classroom resources, such as teachers, peers, audio- and videotapes, and computer softwareSpeak in complete sentences when requiredStay on topicSpeak audiblySpeak with expression appropriate to the occasion