School Information and Hours

  • 158 Orchard Street
    Rochester, NY 14611
    School Start: 7:30 AM
    School Ends: 2:00 PM
    School Start: 7:45 AM
    School Ends: 1:45 PM
    School Phone: 585-436-2560
    School Fax: 585-324-6705                                                          
    DASA Coordinator
    School #17
    Welcome to Enrico Fermi School #17! 
    Board Member Liaison: James Patterson, Commissioner

    School 17 Affirmation Statement

    Declaración Afirmativa de la Escuela 17
    Today I will do my best to be my best self.
    I will focus on learning and growing.
    I will follow the ATOMS expectations.
    I promise to use my actions and words to promote
    peace, love, and caring in our world.
    I can learn. I will succeed!
    Hoy, me esforzaré para ser lo mejor que puedo ser.
    Me concentraré en aprender y crecer.
    Seguiré las pautas de ATOMOS. 
    Prometo usar mis acciones y
    mis palabras para promover
    paz, amor y bondad en nuestro mundo.
    Yo puedo aprender. ¡Yo tendré éxito!
    "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."
    Anthony J. D'Angelo 
    Mission:  At School 17 we educate the whole child, involve parents and community, and value safety within a diverse and supportive learning environment.  

    #17 Logo