RCSD Comprehensive School Reconfiguration Plan

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School Hours and Information

  • Phone 585-232-1530
    Fax 585-262-8965  

    Transportation 585-336-4000
    Health Office 585-232-1530 ex.1271

    School Starts
      8:30 AM
    Dismissal        3:30 PM

Welcome to James Monroe High School!

  • James Monroe High School, located at 164 Alexander Street, Rochester, New York, 14607, serves to students grades 9th through 12th. The schoolwide focus is to connect the classroom learning experiences with standard-based instruction. Staff use the protocol of Looking at Student Work as the foundation for improved student achievement. We believe that college and career readiness increases life outcomes for all students. We believe Restorative Conversations guide staff and students through conflict resolution as a means to build school community.

    Monroe Highlights

    SMART (Sports Majors, Athletics, and Regents Track) Program
    Restorative Practices & Conversations
    Steel Drum Band, Music, and Arts
    Football Team & Athletics
    Bilingual Program

    DASA Coordinators
    Monroe Upper: Bernadette Reagan