5 simple steps for at home health and fitness
Kids need 60 minutes of active play every day. It may sound like a lot, but it doesn’t all need to happen at one time. Physical activity throughout the day all adds up. Follow these 5 simple steps for at-home health and fitness.
65 Excellent Home Workouts
A Free Playlist featuring hours of strategic and safe workouts for you and your family!
Actividades para hacer en casa
Use la siguiente tabla para obtener ideas de actividades que puede probar en casa. Elija cinco ejercicios diferentes para completar, una vez que haya hecho los cinco repítalos durante tres rondas. Asegúrese de comenzar con un calentamiento para preparar sus músculos para el movimiento y terminar con un enfriamiento y estiramientos para evitar el dolor. Una vez que hayas terminado, piensa en todas las actividades que hiciste. Encierre en un círculo las actividades que disfrutó y marque las actividades que fueron desafiantes. Asegúrese de probar todas las actividades antes de repetir.
At Home Activities
Use the following chart for ideas for activities that you can try at home. Pick five different exercises to complete, once you have done all five repeat them for three rounds. Be sure to start with a warm-up to get your muscles ready for movement and end with a cool down and stretches to avoid soreness. Once you’re done, think about all the activities you did. Circle the activities you enjoyed and star the activities that were challenging. Be sure to try all the activities before repeating them.