Hello! My name is Shannon Costanzo. I have been working at #9 school since 1999. Currently my role is Intervention/Prevention teacher for various grades. I teach a program called Coping Powers to students in grades 4-6, and work with the Boys Academy 3rd grade in ELT. This is a program that helps students to monitor their emotions and behaviors. They set their own goals that are monitored by their teachers, then eventually they are self monitored. It is such a wonderful experience to see when they have worked hard and reached their goals. We focus on using "I" messages to have others understand how they are feeling. In the 3rd grade classes I do peace circles. We start each session with compliments, and making others hearts feel good. Then we share taking turns and respecting what others have to share. My day is filled with proud moments, watching students grow socially.
I am a member of the leadership team, CET team, and Wellness team. I also am one of the test liaison. I train students to be peer mediators, and I also advise the safety patrol. All of these roles ensure that instruction at #9 is always at its best, as well as enhances communication with the parents.
One of my roles at schools is working closely with the boys academy. It is very rewarding to watch these boys grow into young gentlemen, learning skills to be productive members of society. We attend many community events, field trips and participate in service projects to help other. Some examples are: serving dinner at a local church for Thanksgiving, being ushers at local church events and making cards for veterans.
My personal life also keeps me busy. I have a 16year old son named Cade and a 14 year old daughter named Eva. My husband and I are very busy with their many activities. These activities include: hockey, baseball, and soccer. I also am part of the faith formation team and volunteer throughout the community.
I love coming to #9 every day and see the many faces I have taught grow up to be active members in the community. I also enjoy getting visits from students I have taught in the past. It is rewarding to teach siblings, children and meet with parents. I attend most of the family nights here and #9. Hope to see many of you throughout the year.