• What are the benefits of using ParentCONNECTxp?

             ·        Check homework assignments due and /or missing

             ·        View report cards

             ·        Check attendance

             ·        Communicate with teachers

             ·        Receive alerts for missing assignments and failing grades

     How long does it take for my information to be sent to me?

           Your login credentials will be mailed to your home within 5 days after you submit your request.

     Is the Spanish report card reflected in ParentCONNECT?

             Currently only the English report card version is available in ParentCONNECT.

     How do I add a child to my existing account?

           A link to the instructions is on the ParentCONNECTxp home page, and available here.

     Can my husband and I both be logged in at the same time with our account?

             Yes, more than one person can login at the same time with one account.

     Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns about the information I am seeing in ParentCONNECTxp?

             Please contact your student’s school and/or teacher.

     What is the frequency of assignments being posted?

          The assignments are posted by your student’s teachers. For exact frequency, please contact your student’s teacher.

     How often are grades refreshed?

             Finalized (report card) grades are refreshed every night – however during report card creation period the 
             data is not displayed until it is finalized. Current grades in the class are 
    updated every two hours. 

     How do I reset my password?

           A link to the instructions is on the ParentCONNECTxp home page, and available here.

    How do I remove a person who is my Designee?

             To remove a designee you must submit it in writing to

                                           ParentCONNECT Team, 131 W. Broad St, Rochester, NY 14614

     Why do the grades change frequently?

           Current grades are calculated based upon daily assignment entries by teachers into their gradebooks. We 
             suggest that you contact the student’s teacher with any questions.

     Can I get an account if my child is 18 years or older?

           According to FERPA, if your child is 18 years or older, they will need to sign our FERPA consent form that is 
             available on the instructions page.

     Will this system replace communications from the school?

           ParentCONNECTxp is another communication tool. Each school will maintain its current forms of communications.

    Will I still receive the report card in the mail?

           At this time, reports cards will still be mailed home. 

     What if I need training in another language?

           You can contact the Office of Parent Engagement at (585)324-9999

     What if my student transfers to another school?

          You DO NOT need to request a new account. Your student’s information will automatically appear for the new 
             school in your existing account.

     Why can’t I see information for my newly registered student for the upcoming school year?

           Information will not appear for any new students for the upcoming school year until the school year begins.

     What if I am a parent and live in another state?

          Any parent can have an account regardless of where they live as long as their name and address are listed on file 
             in the student’s record.

     What if we have two separate families living in the same household?

           Each parent will have to have a separate account for their children. Step Parents require a “Desginee Form” for a 
             stepchild to be added to their account.

     Is the information in ParentCONNECTxp printable?

           Yes. Printing works that same way as in any other software application.

     What is the difference between my account and my students account? 

           The student view is the same as the parent view. The difference is that the parent would be able to view any 
             student within the household and the students can only view their own information.

    What are the system requirements?

             ParentCONNECTxp supports the following Web browsers for parent access:

                   •Currently supported versions of Mozilla FireFox

                   •Currently supported versions of Internet Explorer

                   •Safari for currently supported versions of the Mac OS operating system