Phone 585-232-1530
Fax 585-262-8965
Transportation 585-336-4000
Health Office 585-232-1530 ex.1271
School Starts 8:30 AM
Dismissal 3:30 PM
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Special Education Resource Fair
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SEPAC Special Education Advisory Council Meeting
6:00 PM PLAC (Parent Leadership Advisory Council) General Membership Meeting
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Multilingual Advisory Council (MPAC) Meeting
Monroe Highlights
SMART (Sports Majors, Athletics, and Regents Track) Program
Restorative Practices & Conversations
Steel Drum Band, Music, and Arts
Football Team & Athletics
Bilingual Program
DASA Coordinators
Monroe Upper: Bernadette Reagan
Address 164 Alexander Street, Rochester, NY 14607
Phone 585-232-1530 ext 3100