• Welcome to Mr. Barry's Webpage!
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
                                                           -President Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 1961 
     Mr. Barry at the President Garfield Memorial in Cleveland, Ohio
     Mr. Barry at the President Garfield Memorial in Cleveland, Ohio
        Mr. Ryan Barry: Social Studies Special Education Teacher at Northeast College Prep High School at Douglass
    Phone Number:  (585) 324-9273 ext. 1060
    E-mail address: Ryan.Barry@rcsdk12.org
    Classes I teach this school year:
    - Global Studies I (Rooms 106)
    - US History & Government (Room 106)
    -P.I.G. & Economics (Room 106)
    Please see the new, virtual bell schedule for the 2020-2021 school year. 
    You can find the new virtual bell schedule on our virtual handbook located at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1suJF3y4EcI5LLywPO_oI4BdfYz5paKTFwdevVLEcY8Q/edit#
    Please check out the BrainPop website for entertaining & educational videos on topics ranging from Science to Social Studies.  
    Thursdays are College Gear Days!  Show off your college pride by wearing your college or university gear every Thursday.   
    *Are YOU ready for Flavor Fridays at NECP?  Every Friday, wear your Panther Pride Gear.*   
    New this school year is our student newspaper with the content exclusively written for and by the NECP student body.  You can pick up a copy in the Northeast/Northwest Library. 
    Please see my Zoom Link & Google Classroom information below for our virtual classes.  
    Ryan.Barry@RCSDK12.ORG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Mr. Barry's United States History & Government Classroom

    Time: Sep 14, 2020 1:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (Every day)

    Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
    Daily: https://rcsdk12.zoom.us/meeting/tJMpce6gqzosGdNughn-k_m4Xm3b9I8L73BT/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCvqj0tEtGUthqARowEBo_oKPzwmH5djadziRjtDW1YXQ6iDu8RMOtWSPSH

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Meeting ID: 974 6785 1637
    Passcode: 12345

    Meeting ID: 974 6785 1637
    Passcode: 12345
    My Google Classroom Page:
