Leadership and Counseling Directory
We are eager to serve you and your child! Your satisfaction is our school’s highest priority, so we hope you will contact us with any questions or concerns. You can find our administrator and counselor info here, and our full staff directory on our school’s website.
Nakia Burrows, Principal
(585) 324-9273 ext 1024
William Hucks, 7th & 8th Grade Admin
Supreme and Justice Houses
(585) 663-7070 ext 2320
Carey Belair, 7th & 8th Grade Admin
Legacy & Truth Houses
(585) 663-7070 ext 3211
Ashley pierce, Athletic Director
(585) 738-7783
Marissa Nicholson, Coordinator of Special Education
(585) 663-7070 ext 1013
McThomas Sewera, 7th & 8th Grade School Counselor
Supreme & Justice houses
(585) 663-7070 EXT 2190
Adeleina Rufa, 7th & 8th Grade School Counselor
Truth & Legacy Houses
(585) 663-7070 ext 3011
Nicole Reed, ELA Coach/Intervention
(585) 663-7070 ext 1080
Jennifer Flanagan, Math Coach/Intervention
(585) 663-7070 ext 1080
Dale Schamback, Student Support Coordinator
(585) 663-7070 ext 1013
Rachel Hildreth, Reading Intervention
(585) 663-7070 ext 2080