Healthy recipes link
Courtesy of Mrs. Michelle Bass and her daughter (and proud Girl Scout) Liz.
This is an excellent website with plenty of delicious recipes.
One of the best things you can do for a healthy lifestyle is cook at home. Enjoy!
https://www.howtocook.recipes/ -
This link directs you to RCSDlink, which connects you to Powerteacher Gradebook through an app on your phone.
You can now easily check your child's grades and assignments on your phone using the app. -
A website filled with information, games and fun activities dedicated to children's health. -
Rochester City Website
This is the Rochester City website where you can look up information on recreational activities in the city.
BMI Calculator
This is a site where you cnn calculate your child's BMI ( Body Mass Index)
Nutrition Explorations
This is a fun, interactive site that teaches about food groups.